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  • 112 targets
  • 677 sessions
  • 41,414 images
  • 2,870.27 hours

Star Chart



In Progress

NGC 7822

9 days ago | 8.17 hours

Abell 85 - Medulla Nebula

9 days ago | 31.27 hours

IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula

9 days ago | 5.25 hours

Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula

20 days ago | 85.5 hours

Cygnus Wall

20 days ago | 17.67 hours

Sh2-240 - Spaghetti Nebula

9 months ago | 40.83 hours

NGC 6960 - Witch's Broom - P2

11 months ago | 36.25 hours

NGC 6960 - Witch's Broom - P1

11 months ago | 37.17 hours

WR 134

12 months ago | 41.77 hours

Panel 9

12 months ago | 9.5 hours

IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula

12 months ago | 39.73 hours


12 months ago | 13.42 hours

Panel 9

12 months ago | 13.25 hours


12 months ago | 60.25 hours

Panel 2

about 1 year ago | 5.42 hours

DWB 111 - Propeller Nebula

about 1 year ago | 60.92 hours

Panel 2

about 1 year ago | 10.75 hours

Panel 06

about 1 year ago | 9.42 hours

Panel 22

over 1 year ago | 4.83 hours

NGC 6823

over 1 year ago | 2.92 hours

NGC 5906 - Splinter Galaxy

over 1 year ago | 4.53 hours

M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy

over 1 year ago | 28.07 hours


over 1 year ago | 6.0 hours


over 1 year ago | 29.18 hours

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy

over 1 year ago | 53.68 hours

Rosette Nebula

over 1 year ago | 52.83 hours

NGC 2174 - Monkey Head Nebula

over 1 year ago | 9.83 hours

IC 2177 - Seagull Nebula

over 1 year ago | 5.58 hours


over 1 year ago | 15.8 hours

IC 443 - Jellyfish Nebula

over 1 year ago | 50.42 hours

IC 2177 - Seagull Nebula

over 1 year ago | 0.42 hours


over 1 year ago | 4.27 hours


over 1 year ago | 45.8 hours

NGC 2174 - monke Head Nebula

over 1 year ago | 1.83 hours

IC 417 - Spider Nebula

over 1 year ago | 63.67 hours

Melotte 15

over 1 year ago | 86.08 hours

B 207 and LBN 775

over 1 year ago | 63.45 hours


over 1 year ago | 19.8 hours


over 1 year ago | 2.3 hours

Alnitak, Horsehead, and Flame

over 1 year ago | 4.0 hours

Westerout 5 - Soul Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 54.5 hours

IC 1795 - Fish Head Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 158.83 hours

vdb 38

almost 2 years ago | 32.6 hours

Horsehead Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 21.42 hours

NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy

almost 2 years ago | 22.8 hours

Deer Lick Group

almost 2 years ago | 55.68 hours

Pelican Nebula and IC 5068

almost 2 years ago | 57.67 hours

NGC 7538 - Northern Lagoon...

almost 2 years ago | 64.25 hours

C 9 - Cave Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 236.7 hours

NGC 7000

almost 2 years ago | 46.5 hours

SH2-157 Lobster Claw Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 54.58 hours


almost 2 years ago | 15.28 hours

NGC 281 - Pacman Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 99.25 hours

IC 1871 - Soul Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 55.08 hours

NGC 7635 - Bubble Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 108.43 hours

IC 1340 and NGC 6995

almost 2 years ago | 83.92 hours

M42 - Orion Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 6.0 hours

M45 - Pleiades

almost 2 years ago | 28.9 hours

NGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula

almost 2 years ago | 104.75 hours

NGC 6960 and Pickering's Tr...

almost 2 years ago | 77.62 hours

NGC 1499 - Panel 01

about 2 years ago | 1.25 hours

M33 - Triangulum Galaxy

about 2 years ago | 2.42 hours

Pelican Nebula and IC 5068

about 2 years ago | 1.75 hours

B 142 and B 143

about 2 years ago | 10.05 hours


about 2 years ago | 46.32 hours


about 2 years ago | 47.45 hours

Panel 21

about 2 years ago | 2.5 hours

Elephant's Trunk Nebula

about 2 years ago | 84.22 hours

Panel 27

about 2 years ago | 4.92 hours

Panel 20

about 2 years ago | 2.5 hours

Panel 17

about 2 years ago | 2.17 hours

Panel 19

about 2 years ago | 2.5 hours

Panel 04

about 2 years ago | 2.5 hours

Panel 06

about 2 years ago | 2.5 hours

Omega Nebula

about 2 years ago | 19.05 hours

NGC 6357

about 2 years ago | 7.25 hours

Panel 05

about 2 years ago | 2.25 hours

Panel 25

about 2 years ago | 2.08 hours

Panel 04

about 2 years ago | 2.5 hours

Panel 03

about 2 years ago | 3.58 hours

IC 1340 and NGC 6995

about 2 years ago | 3.5 hours

Tulip Nebula

about 2 years ago | 50.5 hours

Panel 26

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 13

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 12

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 11

about 2 years ago | 2.33 hours

Panel 10

about 2 years ago | 3.5 hours

Panel 09

about 2 years ago | 5.17 hours

Heart Nebula

about 2 years ago | 0.33 hours

Panel 02

about 2 years ago | 3.5 hours

Panel 08

about 2 years ago | 4.0 hours

Panel 08

about 2 years ago | 1.58 hours

Panel 03

about 2 years ago | 1.42 hours

Lagoon Nebula

about 2 years ago | 15.67 hours

Panel 28

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 23

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Hercules Cluster

about 2 years ago | 9.95 hours

Panel 21

about 2 years ago | 1.83 hours

Omega Nebula

about 2 years ago | 1.85 hours

Panel 28

about 2 years ago | 5.17 hours

Panel 24

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 29

about 2 years ago | 5.58 hours

Eagle Nebula

about 2 years ago | 6.38 hours

Panel 30

about 2 years ago | 3.58 hours

Panel 31

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 32

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 33

about 2 years ago | 1.83 hours

Panel 2

about 2 years ago | 1.75 hours

Panel 35

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 36

about 2 years ago | 2.0 hours

Panel 29

over 2 years ago | 3.08 hours

Panel 2

over 2 years ago | 1.42 hours

NGC 1499 - Panel 02

M33 - Triangulum Galaxy

IC 1871 - Soul Nebula




Target Date Images
NGC 7822 September 08, 2024 HA: 98x300s
Abell 85 - Medulla Nebula September 08, 2024 OIII: 46x600s
IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula September 08, 2024 HA: 63x300s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula August 28, 2024 SII: 91x300s
Cygnus Wall August 28, 2024 OIII: 71x300s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula August 27, 2024 SII: 92x300s
Cygnus Wall August 27, 2024 SII: 71x300s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula August 26, 2024 SII: 90x300s
Cygnus Wall August 26, 2024 HA: 70x300s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula August 10, 2024 HA: 83x300s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula August 07, 2024 OIII: 82x300s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula August 06, 2024 OIII: 81x300s
Sh2-240 - Spaghetti Nebula December 19, 2023 HA: 31x600s
Sh2-240 - Spaghetti Nebula December 15, 2023 OIII: 25x600s
Abell 85 - Medulla Nebula December 15, 2023 OIII: 20x600s
Sh2-240 - Spaghetti Nebula December 12, 2023 OIII: 25x600s
Abell 85 - Medulla Nebula December 12, 2023 OIII: 22x600s
Abell 85 - Medulla Nebula November 23, 2023 Blue: 60x60s
Green: 60x60s
Red: 66x60s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula November 23, 2023 Blue: 60x60s
Green: 60x60s
Red: 75x60s
Abell 85 - Medulla Nebula November 19, 2023 HA: 35x600s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula November 19, 2023 OIII: 25x600s
Abell 85 - Medulla Nebula October 21, 2023 HA: 46x600s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula October 21, 2023 OIII: 38x600s
Sh2-132 - Lion Nebula October 08, 2023 OIII: 69x300s
NGC 6960 - Witch's Broom - P2 October 08, 2023 OIII: 55x300s