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Galaxy M106

  • 1 session
  • 161 images
  • 8.05 hours


Galaxy M106 and a lot of smaller galaxies around.

Check my instagram for more: _matogolf_

This galaxy is located in the constellation Canes Venatici and it's considered as "intermediate spiral galaxy" because it's not completely spiral... but who cares. It looks great 😀
There are so many small galaxies around. I've stopped the count after 25 small blobs.
Image info:
- Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 
- Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
- Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro
- Focuser: ZWO EAF
- Coma corrector: Baader MPCC Mark
- Guidescope: Orion Mini 50mm
- Guide camera: ZWO ASI12OMM Mini
-Software: NINA, PHD2
- Integration: 114x180s 5h 42m
- Post processing: DSS, PS, PI, StarNet AI, DeNoise Al


Date None
2023-02-14 8.05
Total 8.05
