NGC 4236 RGB.
This is my longest integration time project to date. After culling the worst subs, I am left with 31 hours of data captured over a period of about a month. This smaller neighbor galaxy of M81 has a low surface brightness so every extra hour counts to reveal it’s details.
StellaLyra RC6, TSCCD47 0.67 reducer, ZWO OAG, ZWO EFW, Baader UV/IR cut, ZWO ASI533MC-Pro (imaging), ZWO ASI290mm (guiding), Orion Atlas EQ-G.
619x 180s (31 hours) RGB.
Stacked in PixInsight with WBPP, split and Star Align channels, Dyn Crop, DBE, PCC, BN, DBE, HSV Repair, GHS, ArcSinh, HT, Curves, MMT denoise, TGV color, SCNR, Decon, LHE, Star Reduction, Curves, MMT large scale chroma, DBE.
Darktable: watermark, velvia, sharpen, astrophoto denoise.