M 74, 2022.
GSO RC8 CF, TSCCD47 0.67 reducer, ZWO OAG, ZWO EFW, Antlia LRGB, ZWO ASI533MM-Pro (imaging), ZWO ASI290mm (guiding), Orion Atlas EQ-G.
10 hours Lum
8.3 hours RGB
Acquisition from 2022-10-23 to 2022-11-25
Stacked in PixInsight with WBPP
RGB: Crop, Combine, DBE, SPCC, BlurX, DeepSNR, GHS stretch, HT, Curves, MMT, TGV, SCNR.
Luminance: Crop, DBE, BlurX, GHS stretch, HT, Curves, LHE, NoiesX, HDRMT.
LRGB combine Lum and RGB.
Darktable: watermark, velvia, color contrast, sharpen.