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M 13

  • 2 sessions
  • 86 images
  • 4.3 hours


M13 the great globular in RGB. 

Pretty good as a filler in less-than-ideal sky conditions. Big improvement from last years attempt. Really shows my personal progress. 

StellaLyra RC6, TSCCD47 0.67 reducer, ZWO OAG, ZWO EFW, Baader UV/IR cut, ZWO ASI533MC-Pro (imaging), ZWO ASI290mm (guiding), Orion Atlas EQ-G. 

86x 180s (4.3 hours) RGB. 

Stacked in PixInsight with WBPP, Dyn Crop, DBE, PCC, GHS, HT, MMT, Curves, HT, more Curves, SCNR 50%, HDRMT, LHE, Deconvolution, and some more Curves.

Darktable: watermark, velvia, color contrast, tone curve, sharpen.


Date L
2022-05-08 2.25
2022-05-24 2.05
Total 4.3
