M 101, the Pinwheel Galaxy
I have been trying to colourfully capture this beautiful galaxy for over a year. After several failed attempts, I think this is the one. Enjoy!
StellaLyra RC6, TSCCD47 0.67 reducer, ZWO OAG, ZWO EFW, Baader UV/IR, ZWO ASI533MC-Pro (imaging), ZWO ASI290mm (guiding), Orion Atlas EQ-G.
371x 180s (18.5 hours) RGB
Stacked in PixInsight with WBPP, RGB Align, DBEx2, PCC, MSGR, HSVR, GHS, HT, Curves, Decon, HDRMT, LHE, NoiseX, MMTc, HT, Curves, SCNR, Sat, MMTc.
Darktable: watermark, velvia, color contrast, color correction, color balance rgb, sharpen, astrophoto denoise.
MSGR (Multiscale Gradient Removal) reference: <https://www.nightphotons.com/guides/multiscale-gradient-removal>