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Melotte 15 in the Heart Nebula

  • 4 sessions
  • 490 images
  • 32.67 hours



  • Celstron Orange Tube C8 (1980s) w/ 0.63x reducer
  • iOptron CEM40
  • ZWO ASI1600-MM Pro
  • ZWO Sii/Ha/Oiii filters

Integration Time

  • Ha: 189x240s (12.6 hours)
  • Oiii: 149x240s (9.93 hours)
  • Sii: 149x240s (9.93 hours)
  • Total: 32.47 hours


  1. Preprocessing using WBPP
  2. SubframeSelector > ImageIntegration > Drizzle Integration
  3. DynamicCrop + DBE on individual Ha/Oiii/Sii channels
  4. Starless Deconvolution on Ha
  5. EZDenoise on Ha, Oiii, and Sii separately
  6. EZSoftStretch on Ha, Oiii, and Sii
  7. EZStarReduction on Oiii and Sii (cause halooosss)
  8. ChannelCombination using R=Sii, G=Ha, B=Oiii
  9. Inverted SCNR (Green 1.0) to remove some magenta cast
  10. Additional EZStarReduction on color image
  11. Curves for saturation and a slight decrease in green
  12. LRGBCombination to bring in Ha as L channel
  13. Curves for contrast, saturation, and a bit more color tweaking
  14. LHE (radius 128, contrast limit 4.0, amount 0.05) for additional contrast 
  15. Blended small scale LHE (radius 16, contrast limit 4, amount 0.2) on the core @ 50%
  16. DarkStructureEnhance 
  17. Final EZStarReduction to decrease stars one last time. 

See in Astrobin


Date Ha Oiii Sii
2021-10-18 6.93
2021-10-19 3.0 2.87 2.8
2021-10-20 2.8 2.8 2.73
2021-10-21 4.33 4.4
Total 12.73 10.0 9.93
