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LBN 331

  • 12 sessions
  • 760 images
  • 58.7 hours


LBN 331 in Cygnus in HaOiiiRGB. A really cool, wispy emission region that is part of the Swan. I loved the tendrils in this region and wanted to zero in on them in particular but framed it such that there were some clouds of gas in the FOV as well.

This image was my first attempt at using a new method of adding RGB stars into a narrowband image. The Ha and Oiii data were the bulk of the acquisition for the nebulosity and the RGB data was captured for the natural stars. 

54 hours of total integration time went into this image. Taken from my remote setup at the Dark Sky Observatory near Fort Davis, TX.

All acquisition in NINA, all processing in PixInsight.


Date R G B Ha Oiii
2022-06-20 3.75
2022-07-09 4.08
2022-07-10 5.08
2022-07-12 7.17
2022-07-16 6.5
2022-07-17 5.83
2022-07-19 4.75
2022-07-20 4.17
2022-07-21 2.75
2022-08-01 2.4 2.3 2.25
2022-08-02 3.83
2022-08-03 3.83
Total 2.4 2.3 2.25 28.33 23.41
