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The Witch Head Nebula - IC 2118

  • 6 sessions
  • 159 images
  • 7.95 hours


The Witch Head Nebula - IC 2118

A curious object located not far from the belt of Orion, this reflection nebula bounces light off the nearby star Rigel to reveal swirling clouds of dust. Additionally, being captured from such dark skies, a little bit of the fain H-Alpha emission came through on the Red filter, which surprised me. Taken from just outside Fort Davis, TX.

- 72 x 3m Lum
- 30 x 3m each R/G/B

- Esprit 100ED, QHY 268M, Chroma LRGB, Moonlite Nitecrawler WR35, AP Mach1GTO

- All acquisition in NINA, all processing in PixInsight


Date L R G B
2022-02-24 1.95
2022-02-25 0.2
2022-02-26 0.85
2022-02-27 0.75 0.6 0.6
2022-02-28 0.35 0.9 0.5
2022-03-01 0.85 0.4
Total 3.85 1.1 1.5 1.5
