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  • 66 targets
  • 83 sessions
  • 6,418 images
  • 267.68 hours

Star Chart



In Progress

M 53

3 months ago | 0.02 hours

Whale Galaxy

3 months ago | 6.08 hours

Pinwheel Galaxy

3 months ago | 10.44 hours

Sh2 73

4 months ago | 2.7 hours

Sh2 230

4 months ago | 6.0 hours

UGC 6350

5 months ago | 2.78 hours

spaghetti Panel 2

5 months ago | 6.17 hours

Coma Cluster

5 months ago | 2.12 hours

spaghetti Panel 1

6 months ago | 5.42 hours


6 months ago | 2.87 hours

LBN 898

6 months ago | 14.68 hours


6 months ago | 0.78 hours


6 months ago | 4.15 hours


6 months ago | 0.95 hours

Orion Nebula

6 months ago | 3.26 hours


6 months ago | 1.48 hours


6 months ago | 5.75 hours

Orion Nebula-OSC-300-BB

7 months ago | 4.45 hours


8 months ago | 2.57 hours

Spaghetti Nebula-OSC-300-NB...

8 months ago | 2.75 hours

Spaghetti Nebula-OSC-300-NB...

8 months ago | 4.33 hours


8 months ago | 1.33 hours

Barnard 202-206-OSC-300-BB

8 months ago | 0.08 hours

Heart And Soul-OSC-300-NB

8 months ago | 12.98 hours

California Nebula-OSC-300-NB

8 months ago | 3.3 hours

Rosette A

9 months ago | 1.73 hours

NGC 2238

9 months ago | 1.02 hours


10 months ago | 2.25 hours

Sh2 132

10 months ago | 6.17 hours

Andromeda Galaxy

10 months ago | 8.6 hours

Sh2 132

10 months ago | 7.67 hours

Bubble Nebula

11 months ago | 7.58 hours

Bubble Nebula

11 months ago | 7.33 hours

Gamma Cygni Nebula

12 months ago | 6.33 hours

LDN 889

about 1 year ago | 5.58 hours

NGC 6853

about 1 year ago | 5.58 hours

NGC 6995

about 1 year ago | 10.5 hours

Crescent Nebula

about 1 year ago | 10.33 hours

Filamentary Nebula

about 1 year ago | 2.92 hours


about 1 year ago | 1.0 hour


about 1 year ago | 3.83 hours

M 84

about 1 year ago | 3.9 hours

NGC 6820

about 1 year ago | 18.0 hours

Hercules Globular Cluster

about 1 year ago | 1.57 hours

Caldwell 38

about 1 year ago | 7.53 hours

North America Nebula

about 1 year ago | 3.17 hours

North America Nebula

about 1 year ago | 3.08 hours

Caldwell 38

about 1 year ago | 2.1 hours

Filamentary Nebula

about 1 year ago | 6.25 hours

UGC 6150

about 1 year ago | 2.93 hours

NGC 4258

about 1 year ago | 3.0 hours

Pelican Nebula

about 1 year ago | 2.9 hours

UGC 6350

about 1 year ago | 2.73 hours

Sunflower Galaxy

about 1 year ago | 5.1 hours

Sunflower Galaxy

about 1 year ago | 3.7 hours

UGC 6350

about 1 year ago | 1.58 hours

Barnard 7

over 1 year ago | 0.2 hours


over 1 year ago | 0.03 hours

Sextans B

over 1 year ago | 0.07 hours

UGC 4821

over 1 year ago | 0.5 hours

NGC 2331

over 1 year ago | 0.02 hours

Caldwell 3

over 1 year ago | 0.1 hours

The Guitar

over 1 year ago | 0.17 hours

LBN 844

over 1 year ago | 1.15 hours

M 13

over 1 year ago | 1.0 hour

Beehive Cluster

over 1 year ago | 1.0 hour


Target Date Images
M 53 April 26, 2024 L: 16x5s
Whale Galaxy April 25, 2024 L: 365x60s
Pinwheel Galaxy April 16, 2024 L: 378x60s
Pinwheel Galaxy April 07, 2024 L: 6x5s
L: 248x60s
Sh2 73 March 16, 2024 L: 162x60s
Sh2 230 March 16, 2024 H: 10x300s
S: 19x300s
Sh2 230 March 05, 2024 H: 23x300s
O: 2x300s
S: 18x300s
UGC 6350 February 15, 2024 B: 60x10s
B: 12x120s
G: 12x120s
G: 60x10s
L: 65x60s
R: 60x10s
R: 12x120s
spaghetti Panel 2 February 14, 2024 H: 39x300s
O: 35x300s
Coma Cluster February 13, 2024 B: 30x60s
G: 29x60s
L: 78x30s
R: 29x60s
spaghetti Panel 1 February 13, 2024 H: 35x300s
O: 30x300s
dark_neb February 06, 2024 B: 5x60s
G: 5x60s
H: 14x300s
L: 87x60s
R: 5x60s
LBN 898 February 05, 2024 H: 38x300s
R: 70x60s
S: 40x300s
Beehive February 05, 2024 B: 30x30s
G: 30x30s
R: 34x30s
LBN 898 February 05, 2024 B: 9x60s
G: 10x60s
H: 38x300s
H: 1x120s
O: 5x300s
R: 10x60s
S: 35x300s
star_clusters February 04, 2024 B: 80x60s
B: 5x10s
G: 85x60s
G: 5x10s
R: 9x10s
R: 81x60s
Unknown2 February 04, 2024 B: 10x30s
G: 10x30s
H: 12x180s
O: 1x180s
R: 10x30s
S: 1x180s
Orion Nebula February 03, 2024 B: 20x10s
G: 20x10s
H: 15x180s
L: 12x180s
L: 25x5s
L: 75x10s
O: 15x180s
R: 20x10s
S: 15x180s
Unknown February 03, 2024 B: 20x60s
G: 20x60s
H: 5x300s
L: 4x60s
R: 20x60s
Rosette February 03, 2024 H: 22x300s
L: 2x300s
O: 20x300s
S: 25x300s
Orion Nebula-OSC-300-BB December 15, 2023 Ha+O3: 39x180s
LPS-C1: 70x120s
LPS-C1: 60x10s
Pleiades-OSC-300-BB December 15, 2023 LPS-C1: 60x10s
LPS-C1: 72x120s
Spaghetti Nebula-OSC-300-NB Panel 1 Panel 1 December 15, 2023 Ha+O3: 8x300s
Spaghetti Nebula-OSC-300-NB Panel 1 Panel 2 November 20, 2023 Ha+O3: 52x300s
Spaghetti Nebula-OSC-300-NB Panel 1 Panel 1 November 20, 2023 Ha+O3: 25x300s