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Sutherland Skies

Monkey Head Nebula

  • 1 session
  • 55 images
  • 4.58 hours


 Equipment used
Celestron cpc 800 telescope mounted on a wedge fixed to a permanent concrete pier in my garden. Camera is a zwo asi 294mm pro in bin 2 mode with baader 31 mm lrgb filters, celestron oag with altair gpcam2 for guiding, pegasus focus cube zero and pegasus powerbox advance. NINA for image aquisition and stacked and processed in siril. Bortle 1 location. A mix of 180 and 300 second exposures for all filters. No calibration frames have been added as project not finished.


Date L R G B
2023-02-13 1.58 1.0 1.0 1.0
Total 1.58 1.0 1.0 1.0
